from $96.00

Upcoming release, available now as samples in the Discovery Stash. Bright green, peppery and salty, dominated by cilantro and lime, underscored by tuberose and rose absolutes, Oaxaca is inspired by the freshness of Oaxacan cuisine and by the fact that tuberose originated from Mexico. This is not going to be for everyone, as cilantro is a divisive note and the salty lime-cilantro accord dominates, especially at first. However, the natural tuberose is also prominent and contributes to the salty, peppery green richness that runs throughout. Natural rose absolute adds depth and a soft freshness also. Because of the aldehydic-green quality of the cilantro and the saltiness in the drydown, this is especially pleasant in the summer and leans slightly masculine.

Notes include lime, cilantro, cumin, black pepper, jalapeño, salty ocean air, rose, tuberose, tobacco, patchouli, white musk.

Samples now available in the Discovery Stash. To be released in July 2024.

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